Indian Language Profile

Language Profiles of States, Districts, Languages and Mother Tongues, as per Census Report, 2011

District wise Language Profile

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We found 37 mother tongues which are spoken in Vaishali as per census of India report 2011.
Out of 37, only 3 mother tongue is spoken by more than 0.5% of the total population of the district. The list of languages spoken by more than 0.5% of the total population 1045026 along with their percentage is given in the table below.

SL Languages Population Percentage
1 Others 2442302 69.88
2 Hindi 877160 25.10
3 Urdu 167866 4.80
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4 Maithili 1954 0.06
5 Bhojpuri 1303 0.04
6 Arabic/Arbi 1295 0.04
7 Magadhi/Magahi 1151 0.03
8 Brajbhasha 777 0.02
9 Bishnoi 260 0.01
10 Surjapuri 213 0.01
11 Bengali 191 0.01
12 Santali 103 0.00
13 English 88 0.00
14 Kurukh/Oraon 84 0.00
15 Gawari 37 0.00
16 Nagpuria 28 0.00
17 Odia 25 0.00
18 Telugu 22 0.00
19 Sadan/Sadri 21 0.00
20 Nepali 20 0.00
21 Thati 20 0.00
22 Kharia 15 0.00
23 Mundari 13 0.00
24 Khortha/Khotta 11 0.00
25 Punjabi 10 0.00
26 Rajasthani 9 0.00
27 Assamese 8 0.00
28 Malayalam 8 0.00
29 Marathi 7 0.00
30 Sanskrit 7 0.00
31 Dhundhari 4 0.00
32 Munda 3 0.00
33 Marwari 2 0.00
34 Baori 1 0.00
35 Kannada 1 0.00
36 Lohara 1 0.00
37 Gujarati 1 0.00
Total 3495021