Hindi Verb Group Finder

Details of the VG marker labels as shown in output

Each of the identified verb groups are given a label that gives the information about their tense, aspect and mood. Alongside, the label also indicates whether the verb group is a passive construction and whether it also contains a compound verb construction. The general structure of the TAM tag that this researcher has come up with is as follows:


In the tag structure shown above, the period ‘.’ plays as the delimiter between the categories. The first two letters of ‘VG’ is the identifiershowing that it is a verb group. The next would be an identifier for tense, then aspect and then mood.
For example, the template of ‘prs_aux’ will have the TAM tag of ‘VG.prs.sim.dcl’ wherein ‘prs’ stands for present, ‘sim’ stands for simpleaspect and ‘dcl’ stands for the declarative mood.

Some VG labels have the "cv" or "pas" or "pas_cv" followed by an underscore. These labels precede the tense slot. "cv" here stands for"compound verb" and "pas" stands for "passive" and "pas_cv" "passive compound verb". The other labels are defined as below:

VG Marker
VG Verb Group
Tense Slot Markers
prs present
pst past
fut future
cp conjunctive participle
ip imperfective participle
nv non-verbal occurrence of a verb group
gp gerundive participle
pas_pst passive voice in past tense
pas_fut passive voice in future tense
pas_0 passive voice with null tense
pas_nv passive voice in non-verb group occurrence
pas_gp passive voice in gerundive participle
pas_prs passive voice in present tense
pas_ip passive voice imperfective participle
cv_nv compound verb in non-verb group occurrence
cv_fut compound verb in future tense
cv_pst compound verb in past tense
cv_0 compound verb with null tense
cv_prs compound verb in present tense
cv_pas_fut compound verb in passive voice and future tense
cv_pas_pst compound verb in passive voice and past tense
cv_pas_0 compound verb in passive voice with null tense
cv_pas_prs compound verb in passive voice with present tense
cv_cp compound verb in conjunctive participle
Aspect Slot Markers
sim simple aspect
impf imperfective aspect
pft perfect aspect
pft_ince perfect inceptive
impf_pft_cnt imperfective perfect continuative aspect
pft_dur perfect durative
pft_frq perfect frequentative
pft_cnt perfect continuative
dur durative
sim_ince simple inceptive
cnt continuative
impf_frq imperfect frequentative
prog progressive
impf_ince imperfect inceptive
impf_cnt imperfect continuative
pft_impf_cnt perfect imperfect continuative
impf_dur imperfect durative
impf_pft imperfect perfective
prog_dur progressive durative
sim_cnt simple continuative
impf_sim_cnt imperfect simple continuative
sim_dur simple durative
impf_pft_dur imperfect perfect durative
pft_impf_dur perfect imperfect durative
Mood Slot Markers
dcl declarative
imp imperative
opt optative
cgnt contingent
des desiderative
oblg obligative
apprx approximative
cfct counterfactual
abil abilitative
perm permissive
prsm presumptive
perm_imp permissive imperative
perm_opt permissive optative
sugg suggestive
dur durative
perm_cfct permissive counterfactual
oblg_prsm obligative presumptive
perm_sugg permissive suggestive
abil_prsm abilitative presumptive
perm_prsm permissive presumptive
opt_prob optative probabilitative
inf infinitive
cnd conditional
cfct_perm counterfactual permissive